Minggu, 25 November 2012


A personal letter is a type of letter which provides communication between a small number of people, usually two. There are many types of personal letters and they are written for a wide variety of reasons:
  • One person wishes to attain information from an individual or a business.
  • One person wishes to tell somebody about themselves, as in pen pals.
  • One person wishes to present to an individual or a business a social note, such as a thank-you or a congratulation.
  • One person wishes to communicate with an acquaintance - friend or family, for example in order to maintain and reinforce the bond between them.
Surviving personal letters are often an important source of information about the lives of historical figures.


1. Definition of Giving Attention
Giving attention is a way or expression that is spoken so that other people will pay their attention to what we want to.

2.Expressions We Can Use to Ask Other People Attention
Here are some expressions we can use to ask aother people attention.
1)     Attention, please!
2)     May/can I have your attention, please?
3)     Look!
4)     Look here!
5)     Excuse me!
6)     Excuse me, look here!
7)     Listen to me, please.
8)     Waiter?
9)     I’m sorry, but ….
10)   Wow, really?
11)    Excuse me, look here, please.
12)   I’m listening.

Example of Giving Attention
Mr.Jack : Attention class ! Tomorrow we’ll have a exam english. Please,you study at home.
Student : Okay sir ..



Announcement is a statement that given by spoken or written that make something known through by general.
Announcement can we heard and meet in every where.
Spoken announcement is tell the information by spoken/oral.
Whereas, written announcement is tell the information by written text, it usually stuck in a place or board that easily see by peoples.
Your attention please!
The seminar will be started in 5 minutes. Those who are still talking and having dinner can go to Java Room on the third floor.
Thank you.
The text is an announcement in spoken form. It gives information that the seminar will started in 5 minutes, so who are still talking and having dinner can go to Java Room on the third floor promptly.
Leadership is very imfortant, especially for young generations. Every teenager should be ready to be a leader. That’s why, to grow and increase the leadership, OSIS will hold leadership training on Saturday at one o’clock at the school hall. All students may participate in it. For the futher information and registration, please contact the committee chairperson, George, Class XIA.
The text is an announcement in written form. It  gives information about the leadership training that hold by OSIS.


1. Head=kepala
2. Arm=lengan
3. Back=bagian belakang
4. Waist=pinggang
5. buttocks/ backside=bokong
6. Leg=kaki
7. Face=wajah
8. Chest=dada
9. Stomach=perut
10. Hip=pangkal pinggul
11. Hand=tangan
12. Foot=kaki

13. Eye=mata
14. Eyebrow=alis
15. Nose=hidung
16. Mouth=bibir
17. Chin=dagu

18. Hair=rambut
19. Ear=telinga
20. Lips=bibir
21. Neck=leher

22. Nail=kuku
23. Thumb=ibu jari/jempol
24. Finger=jari
25. Wrist=pergelangan tangan

26. Palm=telapak tangan
27. Shoulder=bahu/pundak
28. forearm
29. upper arm
30. elbow

31. knee
32. thigh
33. shin
34. calf
35. ankle
36. heel
37. toe
1. forehead
2. temple
3. eyebrow
4. eyelid
5. eyelash
6. pupil
7. cheek

8. teeth
9. tooth
10. tongue